Just for fun, I thought I'd show you the back of some of the envelopes I've sent out this Christmas. I like to not only make each card by hand, I also make each envelope to match or coordinate. And then to give the outside of the envelope a little more character, I add a tiny bit of collage to the back flap of the envelope.
I like to use elements in green and red and white or cream, that may or may not even have anything at all to do with our typical or expected Christmas images, simply for a little variety and something unexpected.
On the first envelope, I used a strip from a vintage dictionary, glued down under the hearts, and intentionally chose the words "merry" and "merry making" to use on this Christmas envelope.
If you look closely, the middle envelope has a dark green strip on it that is a scrap left over from some painted tyvek I used for a completely different project.
And on the bottom envelope, I used a scrap of handwriting from a 100+ year old German journal (it's a little bit hard to see, sorry).
It's not exciting, but it is unique... and in this world of mass produced products it's kind of nice to put your own signature on your own work, no matter how small!
Now, go have yourself a very