I stumbled upon a terrific calligraphy exchange while visiting my friend Jane's blog, and thankfully it's not too late to participate!!! Just go to this website: Mail Art Across the World for the details, and get your envelope in the mail quickly, the deadline is April 1st! (No fooling!) There's also a gallery of the incredible entries from past seasons, definitely eye candy to inspire even the most timid among us!
This is a chance to participate in a free calligraphy event, one without judges or fees to enter, and entries will be posted on the web. The evelopes will travel around France, Hungary, Germany, Russia, and the Ukraine. This is a terrific opportunity to participate in the celebration of both mail art and calligraphy!
from Celeste
Card for Miss Yvonne
From the very talented Heather Victoria Held
Card for Joan
Hey, wait a minute! How did that picture of Bubba and his Pig get in there?!?
From Rena
It is so much fun to receive something like this in the mail, especially when most of the other pieces of mail are bills or advertisements... so while you're at it, why don't you make more than one beautiful envelope and send it to someone you've been thinking about?!?