This is a card done for my dear friend Jennifer, who lives in Denver... I still haven't forgiven her for moving across the country and abandoning me, but I will always love her!
The paper is actually wallpaper from a sample book that I found on a neighbor's curb (I actually lucked out and found about a dozen books)... OK, I admit it... I am a garbage picker... I'm much more discerning these days... but a find is a find, right?!?... it's recycling at it's best... anyway, there's a bit of calligraphy practice done in a couple different inks with different nibs on the card, and some scribbled handwritting to boot. It's all dressed up and distressed with some acrylic paint and stamped images. The piece of paper started out approximately 14" x 17", so this is just a tiny, but hopefully interesting, bit of the paper.
It's out on the mailbox right now, waiting to start its trip to Denver... hurry little letter, hurry!
This is SO pretty.
Posted by: Chris | February 20, 2009 at 01:07 PM
I really like the deep red color in this piece.
Posted by: Seth | February 19, 2009 at 08:14 PM
yes...interesting! Why don't my neighbors leave good stuff like this?
Posted by: stephanie | February 19, 2009 at 10:41 AM
Hey -- absolutely nothing wrong with dumpster diving!!
Love the collage. And I'm SO jealous you found so many wallpaper books! :-)
. . . Kim
Posted by: Kim O | February 18, 2009 at 12:15 PM
Very cool results for a lucky garbage find ! Discerning is good, but you are right about a find being a find !!!
Cheers, girlfriend ! Happy Hump Day !
Posted by: kim mailhot | February 18, 2009 at 09:39 AM