Good morning! Wow... yesterday's post really hit home for some of you... thank you SO much for all of your kind words of encouragement and support. I can't begin to tell you how much I appreciate it!
I was just looking at an email sent to me from
Lululemon, the workout clothing company, and I was lamenting why they only make workout clothing for women size 2 - 10, occasionally size 2 - 12! WOW! I'm not sure I'll
EVER fit into their clothes, which is really a shame, because
a. I love their clothing and
b. I have a little bit of discretionary income I could give them in exchange for workout clothes...
if only they made something besides gloves that fit me... me and the other half of all the women out there! The average size in the US is size 14... okay, that's not ideal, but still... are they nuts or do they only see and know women who are size 2 ?!? I don't think I'm all that unusual... I'm fat and I'm an athlete (hidden in there somewhere, but it's true!!!)... and I'd like to wear cool, comfortable, well made workout clothing!
Anyhow, they have cool upbeat messages on their bags and on their website, so I made my own version of one of the things I found just now:
At first, I thought "Love your failures?!?" ... are they kidding?!?
But maybe they are on to something... it's my failures that are going to push me harder to succeed... it's my failures that are going to motivate me to make lasting changes in my life... we don't feel all that motivated to change anything if we are happy and content, right?!?
So, for today, I'm going to embrace my failures as a way to keep me focused on what I need to do to get healthier... please feel free to join me on this journey... I promise I'll keep you updated on the good, the bad, and the ugly...
Brutally honest or Brutal honesty...
either way, I need to talk out loud about my struggle...
I cannot do this alone.
Thank you for listening... xoxo,