I'm not a very "politically active" person... I'm not even physically active enough for my own good... but this video is so well done, I had to share it. It's lengthy, but I urge you to look at it, especially if you have children of your own, or if you ever hope to have children. The debate about Global Warming or Global Climate Change is just so incredibly stupid, I had to share this with you. Please share it with your friends, too...
And then, get in the habit of recycling if you don't already...
think about what you put in your garbage bin... think that plastic ziplock bag will ever breakdown in a landfill? How about that styrofoam cup or the plastic cup from this morning's iced coffee at Starbucks? That shit will out live all of us! And don't even get me started on plastic shopping bags! If you don't already, maybe you could start carrying one of those canvas bags you have lying around in your closets with you, and take one everywhere you go (I know you've got at least one... if you're anything like me, you have at least 10 of them!)... put one in every car you own... right up there on the seat next to you, so you remember to use it! Better yet, put one on the handlebars of that bike in your garage, and use the bike and the canvas tote the next time you need just a couple things from the grocery store (providing the grocery store is less than five miles from your house!)
And please don't think I'm preaching to you... I'm preaching to me!
There is so much we can do as individuals, it just takes some thought and some time, but think of the payoff!!! Now I need to get my act together and write down the names and addresses of the people who represent me at the state and national level, so it's easy for me to fire off a handwritten letter... one that will get their attention... maybe in one of my cool and unusual recycled magazine page envelopes like these...
Most of these envelopes are made from heavy magazine or catalog pages... plus there's one made from a map, one made from tyvek paper with calligraphy doodling on it, & one made from wrapping paper. You name it, if it's heavy enough to make into a decent envelope, it's fair game at my house. Kids LOVE making these, too... okay, the six year old in me LOVES making these! I don't know why I like making envelopes so much, but it's really fun. I make lots up in advance so I have them on hand when I need one, and people seem to really like getting them in the mail. At the very least, if the envelope is outrageous enough, perhaps my letter will make its way to my representative's desk and actually get read.
Anyway, that's enough blabbing about recycling and global warming and my goofy envelopes for one day. Take care of yourselves and go recycle, reuse, or reduce something!!! :D
Hey there Kathy !
Have to say it is oh so nice to have you back !
I tend to be a bit of a hide your head in the sand type person when it comes to scary stuff like Global Warming and Carbon Footprints and Loss of Resources. I really can't listen to the statistics or the reports of how much damage is already done. I makes me feel terrified, and so very very sad and helpless to think about what we have left the future generations to deal with...
That said, I try to be a live in the moment chick and have definitely been empowered by the "little" things that we can at least do everyday. Recycling, using green products, re-using whenever possible, etc.. all help me feel like at least I am doing some little bit to make it better or at least less bad. I think we all have major improvements to still make but the small moves forward are at least "progress" and it really is so easy. No excuses for any one to not try their best at it !
And hey, making "art" from recycled materials is beautiful too ! Love those envelopes !
Cheers, my talented friend !
Posted by: Kimbo | June 23, 2008 at 08:13 AM