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« Moleskine journals | Main | Valentine love Post Secret style... »

February 12, 2008


Lay Hoon

You are really great in using the collage.


this is wonderful.

Becky New

Drrroooooooolllling here!!! Sweet!

Becky New

Drrroooooooolllling here!!! Sweet!


First thank you for stopping by my blog.

I love your mixed media collage work combining letters and design. Wonderful gallery!

I have a couple of moleskins but have not done anything to the covers. Hmm I may have to try this sometime.

You have a wonderful sense of color and combinations.
I'll be back.


I agree with you, that cover is worth keeping and using more so that you can enjoy it mmore actively!

Julie Prichard

It's perfect! I love how you only used a few collage items, but the end result is so dramatic! Very eye catching. :)

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